Sunday, November 10, 2019


Ref:  Psalm 105

“He is the Lord our God.  His justice is seen throughout the land.  HE ALWAYS STANDS BY HIS COVENANT—the commitment he made to a thousand generations.”
Psalm 105:7-8
You are a child of the Covenant; you are chosen – Psalm 105: 6. (Also John 1:12-14; Isaiah 43:1-3; 1 Peter 2:9)

God always stands by His Word, by His Covenant – What covenant do you have with God:
What does he say about your healing, finances, relationships – and every aspect of your life? 

God says: 

q I will refresh you

q I will restore you – Holistic restoration for your family, finances, relationships.

q I will be on your side - I will never leave you nor forsake you.

q God orchestrates things for His Word to come to pass in your life – He has your end from the beginning  Psalm 105:16-22 (See Also Isaiah 46:10 and Rev. 1:8)

(See the story of Joseph in Genesis 39-49)

q Even when you have to wander back and forth between nations (groups of people, circumstances around you); No one will touch you, the Lord’s edge of protection is upon you.  No disease, infirmity shall overcome you – you are protected, you are secured (Psalm 105:13-14)

q There is a growth, a multiplication happening for you; you will grow strong and mighty;  you will be untouchable by the enemy  - Psalm 105:24-25

q The Lord is sending rescue for you

q The Lord is destroying the enemy, He is releasing plagues in the enemies camp - Psalm 105:29-36

q The Lord will deliver you; you are leaving Egypt – you will leave fully loaded with Silver and gold.  There will be no sickness upon your family - Psalm 105:37

q You are covered by fire – even the fire of the Holy Spirit, the light of God lights your ways, you will not experience any darkness - Psalm 105:39

q The Lord will provide for you, He will satisfy you - Psalm 105:40

q A river shall flow through what looks dry and barren Psalm 105:41

q Inheritance:  God is giving you an inheritance – the wealth of the nations, the pagans! Psalm 105:44-45

Praise the Lord!  Sing a new song to His Name!  Declare His wondrous works!  Amen.
The Lord is a promise keeping God; he never forgets.  He watches over His word to bring it to pass.

God will stand by His Covenant. 


Friday, November 8, 2019


Set your gaze on the path before you.  With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, Ignore life’s distractions.  Watch where you’re going!  Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness.

Proverbs 4:25-27

To live a prudent life is to agree to be fully led of the Holy Spirit.  This is what the Authors, Rose Kainda and Jackie Kaimenyi bring out in the new book, "The Prudent Life".  Get in touch for a copy.  

The launch is also coming up on 20th November, 2019.  Here are the details:

Welcome!  Karibu!