Wednesday, June 24, 2020

True North – The Definer of Purpose

Part 1 of 2

The issue of identity and self-identity is a big deal for many people.  It is for me. 

Over a time I struggled with the subject.  I considered many things and aspects of life that I thought defined me.  I thought of my background, my physique, my possessions or what I thought I needed to possess among other variables.

What is it that makes one’s identity such a big deal?  What is identity and how does it affect God’s purpose for us here on earth?

The Merriam Webster Dictionary presents identity as the ‘the distinguishing character or personality of an individual.’  (
According to the Wikipedia, identity is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable over time. (
These two definitions holistically deal with the individuality of a person.
Self-identity then is self-understanding or awareness of who one is. 

One’s identity has a psychological orientation of the self with a resulting feeling of close emotional association.  To this end, one’s identity largely models their thoughts, feelings, and actions. 

Now, our daily lives are made up of our thoughts, our feelings and actions whether singly or within group contexts.  At home, at work, at church or in any group set up, we express ourselves through our thoughts, feelings and actions.  It therefore goes without saying that these ultimately determine how we deliver in any one given role.

Our understanding and awareness of who we are then becomes a critical aspect of consideration in determining the results of our daily pursuits.

As mentioned earlier self-identity is a big deal for me.  While in the past it was, from a negative perspective, now it is on a positive perspective!

I know my true identity – my true north.  And this aids completely in shaping my purpose.

In the last decade or so the Lord has been teaching me on this subject.  I have known without a doubt that I am not defined by things – whether the shiny objects or not.  I am not defined by people, not by my environment or by my background. 

I am defined by my maker.  My genesis, my source, my roots.  I was not made by my parents – mmmh – I was made by God.  My parents received me as a gift from my maker, God.  My identity is sealed in the Lord God

See, the Lord made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  (Ref: Psalms 139:13-14).  Besides, He knew me before he formed me in my mother’s womb.  (Ref: Jeremiah 1:5).

And this morning, dear friend, the Lord confirmed this, yet again.  See what He said:

“Listen to me … I have cared for you since you were born.  Yes, I carried you before you were born.  I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age.  I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.

Isaiah 46:3-4

I do not know if this resonates with you.  But unless you undauntedly know who you are, you will not deliver in your purpose.  Unless you find your true-north in your creator, the only constant in life, you will always falter. 

So, what is your identity?  Do you really know who you are?  Is this sealed for you?  How does it affect your thoughts, emotions and actions in your daily output?  
…To be continued …

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. I enjoyed reading through. Identity is a subject that ive struggled with too. Thanks Madam Rose for the enlightening words, I found answers to some of my questions.
